Dale the Anarchist

Dale the Anarchist

Dale the Anarchist, born into a world of oppression and injustice from the beginning. Abandoned at birth, he was raised in a broken system that tossed children home to home, some worse than others, but none that offered stability. Corruption and people gaming the system were constantly a part of his life as he made his way from foster home to foster home. At each one he met one personal horror after another, leaving scars and stains that will never heal or wash away. Between the abuses, one thing stayed constant for Dale. He always had access to the computer lab at whatever school he found himself in that month. He developed a thirst for social justice and the desire to challenge the status quo that had been forced on him by this environment. The nice thing about the internet is that when you move, it stays constant. No matter what city he found himself in, if he had access to a computer, he had access to the things that made him happy. Along with this stability came the building of relationships with folks around the world, all attached by a common bond, the love for a technology that would one day reshape the very fabric of our global communications networks.

As Dale grew older, his curiosity led him to find solace in the belief structure of antidisestablishmentarianism, and eventually embracing its ideology as his own, all the while becoming passionate about standing up for the rights of the people. He worked at everything he could to fight the systems that were crushing the people underneath them. A brilliant programmer, Dale broke away from the world he grew up in by running away and finding himself in New York City. He became an active member in a local resistance group mandated to root out corruption of the highest order, and to topple the structures openly exploiting the people. This further led him to partake in grassroots and digital campaigns, standing up for what’s right. That being said, don’t kid yourself. Dale the Anarchist is no armchair activist and has no problem showing up for his causes, both in the physical and digital realm. By using his programming and problem-solving abilities to find creative ways to challenge the powers that be, Dale spends whatever free time he has poking and prodding systems, surfing the dark web, or otherwise looking for ways to bring bad guys down, whether they operate in the light or the dark.

This all being said, Dale knows that the future is with the younger generation before him, and with that in mind, he believes in teaching others and educating people on the importance of justice, equality, and of digital citizenship. He also has faith that this will be his way of leaving a legacy behind. Dale is always looking for other brave activists that are making positive impacts in their communities. He lives for getting involved, or lending support to any projects that will make a difference in people’s lives. Truly an inspiration. Dale’s courage and strength help him carry those around him when they falter. His passion and determination to create a better future for himself, his peers, and the coming generations, keeps him going in the struggle, regardless of the adversity and obstacles. Driven by faith in justice, equality, and freedom above all else, Dale will never give up or cease looking for creative solutions to drive positive changes and make a difference. Determined, Dale cherishes the power of the people and will not rest until he sees a world he wants to live in.

Formative – Key Memories 🧠

Being taken in by a kind stranger after running away from home was a formative moment in Dale the Anarchist’s life. The stranger opened his home and his heart to a young boy who had consumed too much injustice in his brief life. This is where Dale first lived in New York, and somehow in a city known for its hardness. He found more kindness in that one man than he had found in his life up to that time. Once settled, Dale was quick to move out on his own, not wanting to linger or burden his new friend for longer than he had to. They have stayed connected to this day. The kindness the stranger showed him that night has been a boiler plate for his approach to every person he has met since that day.

As someone who spent their life not having a voice, Dale was never one to speak up about anything unless it affected the cause he was currently helping with. Even then, he was always content to stay behind the scenes. One of the first protest rallies he organized turned into a defining moment for his life. He looked out at the crowd, ready to hang on his every word. Sick with fear, he closed his eyes, took a breath, and delivered a powerful and inspiring speech that galvanized the crowd into a frenzy. A natural leader, Dale was soon organizing protests and rallies regularly himself, and this boots-on-ground approach to civil disobedience spoke to him in a way internet hacktivism never could.

Dale’s courageous and independent spirit is undeniable, but so too is his inquisitiveness and quest for adventure. This inquisitive nature drives an unquenchable desire to explore and understand the world around him and to look for solutions to the system which is oppressing us. Never one to give up, he is constantly challenging himself to come up with inventive and disruptive ways to create a better future. However, idealism doesn’t pay the bills, and it has forced Dale to take contract jobs from organizations or individuals that otherwise would not align with his ideals. On one such occasion, he was tasked with creating a backdoor in a subsystem of a popular conspiracy theory forum, something that should have been a walk in the park. Dale underestimated the security put in place by Sully, the site’s administrator, a well-known computer wizard in his own right. After a lengthy game of cat and mouse, Dale backed off, dropped the contract, and reached out to Sully directly. They’ve been the best of friends ever since.

Despite his mental health problems, his diagnosed bi-polar disorder, and frequent cognitive breaks that manifest after periods of intense stress and lack of sleep, Dale is determined to keep pressing on. He reached out and confided in his personal friend Karma, who had recently taken up working with a company in Regina called Fuzzy Qube Entertainment (FQE). Through those connections, Karma brokered an arrangement to put Dale to work on various FQE projects, as well as managing their network security. In return, FQE would pay for Dale’s treatments from renowned behavioural therapist named Dr. Cornelius Yoder, who also was Karma’s mentor when she spent a semester in Geneva. Navigating his mental health has been an arduous process, but he is in expert hands with the patience and guidance of Dr. Yoder. Although not healed, he’s taken the first steps. He admits he needs it and will do what’s necessary to get better.

Interests and Skills

💟[ Advocacy ] . [ AI Programming ] . [ Analytics ] . [ Anti-Capitalism ] . [ Automation ] . [ Azure ] . [ Blockchain ] . [ Cable Splicing ] . [ Challenging Status Quo ] . [ Community Building ] . [ Computer Science ] . [ Data Management ] . [ Data Science ] . [ Data Visualization ] . [ Drone Flying ] . [ Docker ] . [ Equity & Inclusion ] . [ Ethical Hacking ] . [ Graphic Design ] . [ Huggins Face ] . [ Internet Governance ] . [ Kubernetes ] . [ Mentorship ] . [ Mid-Journey ] . [ Net Neutrality ] . [ OpenAI ] . [ Political Activism ] . [ Robotics ] . [ Scripting ] . [ Social Justice ] . [ Social Media ] . [ Street Art ] . [ Transparency ] . [ Urban Exploration ] . [ Web Development ] . [ Writing ]

🤹[ Adaptability ] . [ Android OS ] . [ Campaigns ] . [ ChromeOS ] . [ Computer Networking ] . [ Cryptography ] . [ Data Analysis ] . [ Data Protection ] . [ Digital Campaigns ] . [ Digital Literacy ] . [ Hacking ] . [ iOS ] . [ Kali Linux ] . [ Leadership ] . [ Linux ] . [ Mac OS ] . [ Network Security ] . [ Online Privacy ] . [ Online Surveillance ] . [ Organizational Skills ] . [ Phishing ] . [ Problem-Solving ] . [ Public Speaking ] . [ Python ] . [ Project Management ] . [ Resourcefulness ] . [ Subterfuge ] . [ Teaching ] . [ VPN Technology ] . [ Windows 11 ]

Dale the Anarchist, born into a world of oppression and injustice from the beginning. Abandoned at birth, he was raised in a broken system that tossed children home to home, some worse than others, but none that offered stability. Corruption and people gaming the system were constantly a part of his life as he made…