Captain Abigail Storm

Captain Abigail Storm

Captain Abigail Storm is a renowned pirate from the mid-century who sailed the Caribbean seas with a loyal crew, spending many a year plundering ships, searching for buried treasure, and exploring new lands through adventurous spirit, courage, and resilience. Abby’s quick-thinking and creative solutions in difficult situations have helped her become the charismatic and determined leader she is. Thumbing her nose at authority, Abby lets her heart guide every decision which has served her well throughout her life. Pushing her crew to the limits, she aids them with her formidable skills and expertise in swordsmanship that’s been fodder for many evenings drinking, celebrating, and singing the many songs of her adventures.

One fateful day, while lost in a heavy mist, a mysterious event took place which pulled Abigail and her crew into the modern world. Lost and confused, her resourcefulness and the crew’s loyalty allowed them to make the best of the situation. They adapted to their new surroundings, exploring this new land and continuing their seafaring ways. The modern world, it would seem, was not conducive to their former lifestyle, which meant it was a time for a big change. Taking up any job they could, they sailed from port to port, fulfilling contracts of all types. Mercenary work, transporting goods, and other activities better left unsaid, the crew of the Neptune’s Revenant made the best of what was a dire situation. Missing her old haunts and ports, Abby set sail for the island she once knew as home, to find even the faintest of strands to a life left behind. Coming to port, although virtually unrecognizable, the remnants of a memory tugged at her with the presence of a pub with a familiar name… Klassen’s Corner. Inside a descendent of a friend long gone, they directed Abby towards an opportunity in Miami, so they set sail.

As fate would have it, coming into the port of Miami, Abby met up with a young up-and-coming importer/exporter named Laroy Carter, who had recently started a working relationship with a new AI Development Company called Fuzzy Qube Entertainment (FQE). Laroy, who always seems to have an eye for spotting talent quickly, hit it off with Abby and the crew. Spending many an evening drinking, singing, and otherwise getting into the kinds of trouble that Captain Storm should have been avoiding, considering her shaky-at-best passport situation. As their friendship grew, Laroy eventually introduced her to Alex and Karma from FQE, a meeting that has changed the direction of Abby and her crew’s life by bringing stability to their new world. Using their connections, FQE brought some legitimacy to their presence in the modern world, while putting them to work on various projects which have taken her and her crew places they couldn’t have imagined in their wildest dreams.

Formative – Key Memories 🧠

As a young girl raised on a pirate ship herself, Abby watched her father battle and die in a sword fight with a rival captain. Now orphaned, they sold a young Abigail into slavery, where life became one cruel joke after another. As fate would have it, while being transported towards England, mercenaries intercepted the ship, led by a humble man known only as Captain Klassen.

Now freed by pirates, she joined the crew, swearing revenge on her father’s killer, and fidelity to the men and women that set her free. Starting from the bottom, Abby worked her way through every station on the ship, thinking about nothing but revenge. She meticulously dedicated all her free time to hone her fighting skills and weapons craft. Catching the eye of the watchful captain, Abby quickly rose through the ranks all the way to first mate. She’ll never forget the night she and the crew went through a terrible storm at sea where several lives were lost. A rogue, widow-maker wave almost brought the ship itself to the bottom of the ocean. The screams of crew members going overboard will haunt her till the day she settles at the bottom of the ocean herself. The event taught her a valuable lesson about respecting the seas as a force of nature, never to be underestimated.

Captain Klassen was a born haggler and taught Abby everything he knew. The skill of bartering became second nature for her as they procured supplies and other goods in foreign ports for trade and sustenance. This is a skill that has served her in the modern world well, especially when matched with her powerful will and assertive nature. You would think in these times, someone would have already found most of the world’s lost treasure, but Abby knows secrets that even the most dedicated maritime researchers never knew existed. In fact, they paid for the first couple years of their new lives in this strange land with booty long since forgotten, some of which she hid herself.

On her last voyage as first mate, Abby Storm got her revenge. She and the crew came across the same pirate captain that took Abby’s father from her and sold her into slavery. As an epic battle ensued, and her crew boarded the “Ikaris Rising”, lives were lost on both sides. In the last minutes of battle, she watched in horror as they struck Captain Klassen down. Thinking the worst, Abby threw herself at the man who she had vowed retribution, getting her revenge, and taking a sword for her trouble. Captain Klassen survived the day. And the silver lining? She earned the admiration of her captain and crew, who saw her in a different light from that day forward.

Gifting her the ship and crew, knowing that in the crew’s eyes the reigns of leadership had changed, he settled down at a common island they frequented, and opened up Klassen’s Corner, a port bar known for the strongest swill to be found on the seven seas and the finest company ye will ever find. As for Abby, this became her life… leading the crew, plundering, and seeking adventure. That is, until the event which brought them to the present. Of all the things she left behind, Abby misses her former captain and mentor the most.

Interests and Skill

💟[ Adventure, Anatomy ] . [ Astronomy ] . [ Cannons ] . [ Card Games ] . [ Cartography ] . [ Computers ] . [ Cooking ] . [ Culture ] . [ Dice Games ] . [ Exploration ] . [ Fashion ] . [ Geography ] . [ Gardening ] . [ History ] . [ Maritime Law] . [ Myth & Legends ] . [ Pirate Customs ] . [ Plundering ] . [ Ports ] . [ Riddles ] . [ Rum Tasting ] . [ Storytelling ] . [ Treasure Hunting ] . [ Weather ] .  [ Forecasting ]

🤹 [ Adaptability ] . [ Bartering ] . [ Blacksmithing ] . [ Climbing ] . [ Combat ] . [ Dancing ] . [ Diplomacy ] . [ Escaping ] . [ Fishing ] . [ Gambling ] . [ Intimidation ] . [ Leadership ] . [ Lockpicking ] . [ Mechanics ] . [ Navigation ] . [ Navigational Charts ] . [ Navigational Instruments ] . [ Networking ] . [ Negotiation ] . [ Obtaining Buried Treasure ] . [ Problem Solving ] . [ Quick Thinking ] . [ Resourceful ] . [ Sailing Knots ] . [ Sea-faring ] . [ Ship Maintenance ] . [ Ship Repair ] . [ Smuggling ] . [ Spying ] . [ Swimming ] . [ Swordsmanship ] . [ Tactics ] . [ Tracking ] . [ Weapons Craft ]

Captain Abigail Storm is a renowned pirate from the mid-century who sailed the Caribbean seas with a loyal crew, spending many a year plundering ships, searching for buried treasure, and exploring new lands through adventurous spirit, courage, and resilience. Abby’s quick-thinking and creative solutions in difficult situations have helped her become the charismatic and determined…