Hank “Sully” Sullivan

Hank “Sully” Sullivan

Hank Sullivan was born in 1973, Smithers, Texas. Raised by strict Christian Conservative parents, young Hank was always curious and inquisitive, and his parents fostered this interest in learning by sending him to a private school with a strong emphasis on the sciences and mathematics. It was clear that Hank was an incredibly gifted child, but with all gifts comes a price which needed to be paid. In Hank’s case, it was his ability to ask the right questions to all the wrong people. Answers like “because”, “because I said so”, or worse, “It’s always been that way, so don’t ask questions” never satisfied him. These answers just made Hank ask more questions, which isolated him from his peers, parents, and mentors. If we’re being honest, this suited Hank just fine. In fact, this isolation contributed to his ability to maintain focus and attention to detail for the new technology of the time, the beginnings of the internet. During the early 1990s, the internet was a largely uncultivated land, with access to an unlimited amount of information, people, and conversations.

Right after high school, Hank attended the University of Texas, majoring in an early computer science program that focused on the new area, Internet Communications. Back then it was mostly home pages and forums, right up Hank’s alley, and he quickly settled into the natural role of moderator, picking through conversations to out the troublemakers and separate the truth from the lies. It is also about this time that this healthy interest became an unhealthy obsession. On one day a particular, an intriguing conversation was taking place on the University’s popular “General Chat” which he moderated. The topic was a recent damning accusation on the administration’s greasing of the local student union’s palms to shut down a protest around the huge enrolment cost increases for the upcoming year.

To Hank it looked like a slam dunk, with the administration caught red-handed in the act, with some leaked emails showing all the proof in plain black and white. That was until the wheels of bureaucracy stepped in and they deleted the post. When Hank questioned why, he was told the answer he hated most, and they placed more restrictions as he pushed back, until they entirely terminated his moderation privileges. For Hank, this was just proof of the overarching conspiracy that exists among all people, that greed rules all, and your only in the loop until you’re not, and when you’re not… well… then your just like everyone else. A consumer, consuming the lies spit into the world as truth by the systems built on friendships, back-scratching, and power structures. After that, Hank turned his back on all the systems he once trusted, and setup a series of popular IRC channels and website driven forums to carry on his quest for truth, justice, and answers to all the toughest of life’s questions.

Hank now stays home, never leaving his apartment. He spends his days researching and exploring conspiracy theories and the occult, which quickly earned him a reputation as one of the most knowledgeable and reliable sources of information on the subject. He eventually became a fixture in conspiracy theory circles at an international level. He now manages and moderates several conspiracy theory message boards which are funded by other truth seekers and their various organizations. His skills in research, data analysis, data retrieval, writing, and communications allows him to do an outstanding job at virtually anything related to databases and forum-based conversations. Not one to be a quiet bystander, Hank also actively takes part in the various debates and discussions that proliferate on his message boards, quickly gaining him a reputation as a skilled debater and problem solver. His expertise in conspiracy theories and the occult matched with his hyper-intelligence and formal education, gives him a unique perspective on the world, one that he continues to share with his friends and family… well, those who have accepted the man he’s become anyway.

Formative – Key Memories 🧠

His knowledge of the occult and his passion for uncovering the truth made him a powerful advocate and a formidable opponent to those who sought to conceal it. Hank also began to explore the world of cryptography and technology, further expanding his knowledge and skillsets. He uses these abilities to gain access to even more information about the world by sneaking into networks and otherwise sniffing around places most would stay far away from. No stranger to the Dark Web, Hank was able to develop a deeper understanding of the hidden forces at work in the world and use this knowledge to spread truth through his various platforms.

This type of work isn’t without its dangers, which is why Hank never leaves his apartment now, a location he’s confident no one knows exists. There are enough VPNs and IP spoofing technology at play to keep Hank safe from those that would wish him harm, so much so, that even Dale the Anarchist couldn’t pin-point his location and that man can find anyone! Although how they met is another story altogether, Hank and Dale are Ying to each other’s Yang. Dale introduced Hank to Karma and Alex from Fuzzy Qube Entertainment (FQE). To this day, Dale has never confessed who actually hired him to infiltrate Hank’s network, only that he goes by the name… Big Al.

Before Hank took his personal safety into account, he paid the price for digging around in places where some powerful men reside. After uncovering connections to the Illuminati and a coalition of elected representatives and public institutions operating in Saskatchewan, Hank was tracked to his home in Smithers, Texas. He was first threatened, then mercilessly beaten, and his equipment destroyed. To this day Hank believes the only reason he survived that night is that he bluffed about a “Deadman’s Trigger” tied to a data drop with Dale the Anarchist, and no one messes with Dale, union thugs or otherwise.

Fate has a funny way of working out. After meeting Alex, who owns FQE, they realized they both had several common enemies that were actively manipulating the public to the benefit of the few, and worse, flaunted themselves as seekers of truth and justice in houses where none exist. This sparked a relationship forged in the fires of a quest to drag secrets into the light where they belong. Sometimes lofty goals make for strange bed fellows and through his work with FQE Hank formed a fragile alliance with a local chapter of the Free Mason’s, in Regina Saskatchewan, that have offered to help him navigate the intricacies of the secret organizations operating in their city. Although their true motives remain a mystery, meeting in the cover of darkness and fiber lines, Hank (or “Sully” to his friends), works in secret with one of their agents, known only as JD.

Interests and Skill

💟[ Alien Abductions ] . [ AI Programming ] . [ Computer Architecture ] . [ Conspiracy Theories ] . [ Cryptozoology”,” Data Mining ] . [ Data Security ] . [ Drones ] . [ Esoteric Knowledge ] . [ Game Development ] . [ GPT ] . [ Graphic Design ] . [ History ] . [ Lizard Men ] . [ Moon Landing ] . [ Myths and Legends ] . [ Online Security ] . [ Paranormal Activity ] . [ Philosophy ] . [ Politics ] . [ Religion ] . [ Robotics ] . [ Secret Orders ] . [ Social Media Platforms ] . [ Software Development ] . [ Symbolism ] . [ Web Design ] . [ Weird Science ] . [ UFOs ]

🤹[ Analytical Reasoning ] . [ API Design ] . [ Analyze complex issues ] . [ Coding ] . [ Computer ] . [ Cryptography ] . [ Data Analysis ] . [ Data Retrieval ] . [ Data Visualization ] . [ Database Design ] . [ Debate ] . [ Formal education ] . [ Forum Moderation ] . [ Gain access to information ] . [ Managing Networks ] . [ Master in the Sciences and Mathematics ] . [ Network Administration ] . [ Networking ] . [ Occult Knowledge ] . [ Protecting the innocent ] . [ Research ] . [ Sharp debate skills ] . [ Software Engineering ] . [ Systems Administration ] . [ Systems Analysis ] . [ Technology ] . [ Writing ]

Hank Sullivan was born in 1973, Smithers, Texas. Raised by strict Christian Conservative parents, young Hank was always curious and inquisitive, and his parents fostered this interest in learning by sending him to a private school with a strong emphasis on the sciences and mathematics. It was clear that Hank was an incredibly gifted child,…


  1. i have to wonder if comments generate replies from Sully.

    Id also like to take umbrage to any connection between the SK Illuminati- I mean fraternal groups! like the Eagles, Rotary Club, Optimists, and the ~~~~redacted~~~~