Cpt. Ricardo Garcia

Cpt. Ricardo Garcia

Ricardo Garcia was born and raised in a small suburban town in New Mexico. His parents came from a Latin heritage, both college educated, who instilled in him a strong sense of curiosity and ambition early on. He was drawn to mathematics and physics, and spent many nights studying the stars, dreaming of one day being an astronaut. Even with a head start in life by virtue of having access to advanced education resources, he worked hard to make his dreams come true. He never took a dime from anyone to cover his tuition costs and couldn’t remember a time after his 14th birthday where he didn’t hold down a steady job. But dedication of a degree known by few is required to achieve the goals he set out for himself. Ricardo earned a PhD in Aerospace Engineering, joining the ranks of NASA. Working on several projects, they eventually selected him to go to space on a shuttle mission, which marked the pinnacle of his career and the completion of one of his lifelong goals. After spending over a year in space, Ricardo knows what it means to sacrifice family to achieve one’s goals. As auspicious as seeing the planet from above, Ricardo missed the birth of his son and the other milestones of various friends, family, and co-workers.

After his mission, they promoted him to the rank of captain and he continued working at NASA in various capacities, both on the flight deck as well as in the lab. When Ricardo reached retirement age, he felt far from ready to pack it in and hit the golf course, so he took his experience to the free market by taking on consulting work with SpaceX and Fuzzy Qube Entertainment. He uses his expertise in mathematics, physics, and engineering to help develop new technologies and explore the mysteries of the universe. Whether it is flying cutting-edge aircraft, or helping design the latest formula for advanced aeronautics, following the science of the stars was in Ricardo’s blood. Sadly, a passion that grew into an obsession that ultimately cost him his marriage and the precious time missed with his only child. The event came to no surprise to anyone close to the Garcia’s, because he spent more nights sleeping at the lab than at home in his own bed. Every relationship has its limits.

As time went on, his passion to unravel the mysteries of the universe transitioned towards a passion for sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation. He wanted to inspire them to reach for their dreams, just as he did. Following these pursuits, Ricardo took on other projects, while moonlighting for FQE, including teaching at the local university, volunteering for local charities, and developing new robotics technology out of his garage. Always looking for ways to use his skills and knowledge to help others, he is a respected member of his community, someone that can be counted on at a moment’s notice. As an avid outdoorsman, Ricardo enjoys spending his free time doing activities like camping, fishing, hiking, and mountain climbing. When not outdoors can usually be found tinkering with electronics, woodworking, and gardening out of his home back in New Mexico. Ricardo truly is a kind and generous man, with a deep respect for the universe and a profound curiosity about the unknown. A man of many talents and a passion for science, exploration, and unravelling the mysteries of the universe.

Formative – Key Memories 🧠

Ricardo was part of a team that developed an innovative new rocket propulsion system that revolutionized space travel early in the space race. Ricardo just sees aerodynamics in a way that makes sense on a level beyond the average person. The angles just click, as if someone trained his eyes themselves to search for holes in the very fabric of our reality. Besides, few astronauts get to design and test their own ideas. Ricardo never felt freer travelling to Mach-3 strapped to a rocket heading for uncertainty and adventure.

With his second passion being robotics, Ricardo helped design and develop a new type of robot, which helped usher in a new era of automation and robotics in terms of planet exploration. This new generation of smart AI is currently on its way to Mars as we speak, with the goal of replacing the now powered down Mars Rover for another decade of discovery and adventure. It’s wins like these that make Ricardo realize how he is solidifying his legacy in this world.

Ricardo volunteers his time and resources to help various charities in his local community and is particularly passionate about helping the homeless. After the dissolution of his marriage, Ricardo threw himself into the service of others to drown the pain. This was far more preferable than the common ways men drown their sorrows, self-inflicted or otherwise. One particular evening, he came across a man who was mumbling to himself, scribbling down incoherent symbols on a napkin with a broken crayon. Looking over his shoulder, it didn’t take long for Ricardo to see what was being recorded. Further, he even recognized the man before him, a former scientist that worked with his father on Advanced Mathematical Theory at the University where he taught. Leaving the man be, he returned to his work, but it brought out a fervour to make a difference, and part of that was promising himself to keep an eye on this man and others while he was volunteering at the shelter.

Interests and Skill

💟[ Archaeology ] . [ Art ] . [ Astronomy ] . [ Coding ] . [ Community Outreach ] . [ Cycling ] . [ Environment ] . [ Gardening ] . [ Golf ] . [ Helping the Homeless ] . [ Inspiring Others ] . [ Learning ] . [ Meditation ] . [ Music ] . [ Mythology ] . [ Outdoors Activities ] . [ Philosophy ] . [ Reading ] . [ Robotics Technology ] . [ Star Gazing ] . [ Technology ] . [ Universe ] . [ Volunteering ] . [ Writing ] . [ Yoga ] . [ Youth Mentorship ] . [ Aerodynamics ] . [ Smart AI ]

🤹[ Chess ] . [ Conflict Resolution ] . [ Designing Advanced Aeronautic ] . [ Drawing ] . [ Electronics ] . [ Expertise in Mathematics, Physics and Aerospace Engineering ] . [ Flying Cutting-Edge Aircrafts ] . [ Guitar ] . [ Organized ] . [ Painting ] . [ Physics ] . [ Rocket Propulsion Systems ] . [ Science ] . [ Space Exploration ] . [ Attention to Detail ] . [ Time Management ] . [ Woodworking ]

Ricardo Garcia was born and raised in a small suburban town in New Mexico. His parents came from a Latin heritage, both college educated, who instilled in him a strong sense of curiosity and ambition early on. He was drawn to mathematics and physics, and spent many nights studying the stars, dreaming of one day…